5 tips that might make moving home a bit easier
Moving home should be exciting. It’s a new adventure, right? . . . Right?
Unfortunately, most people experience nothing but stress when they move to a new place. If this sounds like you, maybe watching the following TED Talk about stress and reading the 5 tips in this article will help. hint: Stress and excitement activate the same pathways in the brain.
1. Hire Professional Removalists
The easiest way you can take the stress out of moving home is by hiring professional removalists. It’s not as expensive as you think. Click here to check out our prices or click here to get a more detailed quote.
Why move your stuff when it’s only about $60 per man hour including truck!
We’re going to get into some other tips you can personally apply, but this one is too important to pass up.
There are a number of reasons professional help will make your entire move easier, but some of the most relevant to your levels of stress include:
2. Professional removalists are better at moving heavy objects
They have tools and equipment that will make the move quicker and safer
Years of experience mean they’ve seen it all; if your move runs into a problem, they’ll have the solution
In other words, professional movers are simply better at moving people.
However, the simple act of scheduling help will actually send signals to your brain to relax. Your stress response will dissipate when it understands that your move is well in hand.
Furthermore, having a professional moving service on side gives you more time to focus on other things they can’t help with, like changing your address, signing your kids up for a new school, etc.
3. Make a List of Everything That Needs to Get Done
Everyone’s moving situation is different, but most people will have similar tasks they must accomplish before they can proceed with their moves. These include things like:
- Switching your child’s school
- Switching your address
- Cancelling cable/Internet services at your old place
- Scheduling a moving company
- Finding somewhere for your pet to stay during the move
- Hiring a cleaning service
The list goes on and on and that’s all the more reason to get started on it right now. As we mentioned before, your brain will settle down considerably when it understands that you have a plan in place. Putting together a simple to-do list won’t take long but will definitely have this calming effect.
4. Move a Little Bit Every Day
A lot of the packing you can probably do yourself and a lot of the things you’ll need to pack aren’t going to be things you’ll need before your move.
Therefore, get a jump on things by packing little by little every single day. For example, after you finish this article, you could get into your closet and pack away all the clothes you don’t need for this season. There: one thing done.
Getting started is half the battle when it comes to any goal and this definitely includes moving. If you simply get started every day on just a little bit of moving, you’ll soon find the project is well underway and you’re much less stressed about the entire thing.
5. Get Your Children to Help You Move
If you have children and they’re old enough to help, recruit them. Give them certain responsibilities on your to-do list. As with the above, these can be chores they’re obligated to carry out on a daily basis.
Breathe – Everything Will Be Okay
What’s the worst moving story you’ve ever heard of?
Is the worst-case scenario really that bad?
Let’s say you really aren’t ready to move the day you’re supposed to. While that would definitely be awkward and uncomfortable, it’s far from the end of the world. Remember to breathe; everything is going to be just fine.
Don’t let stress overwhelm you during what should be an exciting time in your life. Keep the above steps in mind and, most importantly, take action today, right this moment.